Only two weeks to go!

Gerp 2025 is coming up in just two weeks! We currently have a couple of free spots available and if you already reserved your ticket but missed to get a computer seat we got some of those as well. Drop us a mail at [email protected] if you need some table space for your machine (first come, first served). Also the queue is closed so keep an eye on the signup page for late reservation.


Someone asked about Vipps and Vipps MobilePay as an alternative payment method for our Nordic visitors.

Disclaimer! It might not work at all so don't count on it as a payment method, however..

This year we will try it out for our more daring visitors. We have no experience with it and it may not work at all though so don't count on it. If you want to try it out, go ahead. Make sure you bring the usual cash or whatever though if it doesn't work..

Please read about their terms and conditions on whichever site that fits your country. E.g.,,

More mighty fine compo prizes!

Highpuff and iKOD is bringing two amazing 19" Fujitsu LCD screens to the prize table! These monitors are in used (but very good) condition and are patched to work straight off with any Amiga model.

Live stream on SceneSat

This year we will use SceneSat as live scream service for those of you who cannot attend.

Stream page will be updated with more info soon.

Tulou demo quiz!

The jolly lads at Tulou will host a demo quiz at Gerp 2025, get ready!

Bring home the cup!

As a part of the first prize in each of the eight main competitions at Gerp 2025 there will be this fine Gerp coffee cup! Logo credits to Alien^PDX.

Extra space

For those of you who might want to get away from the buzz in the main hall or just didn't catch a computer seat in the main hall we have booked the same extra room as last year. Hopefully with enough table space for all your computing needs.


We got three brand new Amiga 500 replacement cases donated by Emoon (again!). These will be in the prize pot for the Amiga demo and intro compos.

Feel free to join the queue

A while ago we added a queue for those of you who are interested in visiting Gerp but missed to catch a seat before they ran out. In case anyone from the signup list inform us about canceling their Gerp visit we will replace that person with the first one in the queue.

Gerp 2025

We once again bring Gerp to the masses. Book Jan 31st - Feb 2nd 2025 for a weekend of computers and chill!

Same location as last year, same crew as last year, same visitors as last year(?), and possibly some new visitors!

So go ahead and start making your compo entries and we'll see you there!

The essentials

  • Dates: January 31 - February 02, 2025.
  • Location: Skövde culture centre (Sweden).
  • Fees:
    Prepay: 150 SEK.
    At the party: 200 SEK.
    Foreigners: €10
  • Visitor capacity: 130 (of which 100 with computer).

General information

The party has a focus on the oldschool platforms and historically it has been a stronghold for the Amiga demoscene, hence the focus on this platform. However everyone with an intrest in the demoscene is welcome no matter if your target machine is a C64, an Atari, a PC or something else. In total there is room for about 100 people with computers.

Since the partyplace is located in the middle of town you will find hotels, restaurants, bars, supermarket etc all within a few minutes of walking. The closest hotels are located just around the corner and the train/bus station is right across the street.

There will be beer sold at the party and this is something we will arrange together with the restaurant that is located in the same building as the party. While this is a nice feature it also has the downside that you are not allowed to bring your own alcohol inside (yup, that's the law).

The entrance fee includes free breakfast on saturday and sunday and free coffee troughout the party. As with any true demoparty you can bring your inflatable matress and sleep in the hall. If you're getting rusty and rather sleep at a hotel we supply some links for you below.


If you are going by car you should point your GPS towards 'Långgatan 7' in Skövde or find driving directions for how to get there. Once you arrive at the culture centre look for the entrance towards the hall named 'Freja', located at the north-east side of the building.

There is a parking house ('Modeparkeringen') a couple of hundred meters north of the party place with a cost of 75 SEK for 24 hours. This is probably the best solution if you want to avoid hassle with moving the car during certain hours and want to park close to the party. You can also park by the trainstation but this is slightly more expensive.

The closest parking space just north of the party place has a limit of max two hours parking during pay time (10-18 friday, 10-15 saturday and sunday) and the cost for these hours are 10 SEK for the first hour and 20 SEK for the second hour. While unloading your gear you can also park your car along the road outside the railroad station.

If you don't want to pay for parking and don't mind parking a bit further away you can unload your gear and then park your car for free at Arena Skövde a 10-15 minutes walk from the partyplace.

Here be a link to nice internet page about parking in Skövde: Click here for parking information.

If you want to go by train or bus just make sure that your end destination is 'Skövde Resecentrum'. Cross the street and head for the entrance shown in the picture below.

Gerp organizers

  • Bore / Traktor
  • D-Vibe / Nature
  • Esau / Traktor
  • Lance / Traktor
  • Malmix / Nature^Fatzone^FD
  • Olle / Traktor^Latex^Planet Jazz
  • Pumbaa / Traktor
  • Thalos / AINT


17:00 Gerp opens!
20:00 Remote entries deadline for:
  • Chip Music
  • Other Platform Graphics
  • Wild
10:00 Breakfast is served
12:00 Deadline
  • Chip Music
  • Other Platform Graphics
  • Wild
14:00 Compos
  • Chip Music
  • Other Platform Graphics
  • Wild
16:00 Remote entries deadline for:
  • The rest of the compos
18:00 Deadline
  • Amiga 4 Channel Music
  • Amiga Graphics
20:00 Deadline
  • Amiga Demo
  • Amiga 40k
  • Other Platform Demo
21:00 Compos
  • Amiga 4 Channel Music
  • Amiga Graphics
  • Other Platform Demo
  • Amiga 40k
  • Amiga Demo
After compos Prize giving ceremony
10:00 Breakfast is served
12:00 Gerp 2025 is over!

When you arrive!

When you arrive at the venue, find yourself a seat and dump your 8-, 16-, or 32-bit computer there. After your computer has been taken care of head to the info desk for processing!

When you arrive at the info desk, find a crew person and have them check you in. If you have not paid your ticket yet then make sure to do that also and have crew check you off that list too.


After checked in you will get a vote token which you will need to be able to vote in the compos. If you did not get one then ask crew and we'll get you one.

If you loose your vote token then contact crew and we can hopefully retrieve the token. If you think your vote token is compromised we can cancel it and issue a new one for you :)

We use a in-house proprietary voting system for voting. To prepare for voting, head to and enter your handle and the token you received when checked in.

You need to be at the party to retrieve a vote token thus be able to vote.

Voting will be available after each compo. We will not activate voting until all compo entries in a compo has been shown.

The site does not currently auto refresh when new compos become available so it's up to you to refresh the page. Any changes you do in your votes is saved instantly so even if you refresh the page they will persist.

A smart phone or computer or alike with a modern browser (with javascript etc) and an internet connection is required to vote.

Scroll up/down on the vote page to display different categories to vote for.

I have entries for them compos!

We accept entries for Amiga on standard Amiga Floppy Disk (DD 3,5") or on USB/SDCard/CFCard etc. If you need to send it in by mail then contact crew and we'll fix it.

C64 entries is accepted on 5¼ Floppy Disk or as PRG or Disk File on USB/SDCard/CFCard. Contact crew if you need to send by mail.

If you need to connect your own hardware and want to test it before the compos, then contact crew and we'll figure it our together. If you don't have the hardware then a Video file is ok too. Contact crew to figure out what is the best approach.

When is door open?

We will close and lock the door at about 02:00 and will open it up at about 09:00 (deep sleep time). This is done so we can sleep in peace without having to worry about some random gamer enter the venue to steal our precious computers.

If you need to enter the venue during close hours then make sure to have an inside contact who can help you get in. The door can still be opened from the inside when locked.


Sleeping can be done on the floor. When it's time to sleep then find a cosy spot and snuggle in.


Sign up for Gerp 2025 by filling out the form below.

If you have signed up but cannot attend the party for some reason, please send us a mail at [email protected] and we will free up the spot for someone else.

Prepay your entrance fee by swishing 150 SEK (press here for QR) to 0736-289032 (David Enheden as payment receiver). Don't forget to supply your handle as message. The entrance fee is 150 SEK if you prepay and 200 SEK at the party. We prefer Swish before the party to ease the administrative tasks at the party and we can focus on having fun instead :)

Foreigners pay €10 or 100 SEK at the party place since we don't have a way to accept foreign payments online. We do accept € but prefer SEK where possible. We don't normally carry any change in € so please bring exact money.

If there is any questions about the payments, please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for signing up!

* Required

So far 129 people signed up. There are currently 3 computer seats available.